Hu Shisheng, Director of Institute of South Asian Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.
Jan 22, 2024
India wants to reduce China’s footprint in its industrial chains. China must deal with this by strengthening its own industrial and innovation chains. It must also improve its policy on industrial chain transfers. It should avoid contributing to India’s development at the cost of its own.
Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa, Geopolitics Analyst in EU-Asia Relations and AsiaGlobal Fellow, The University of Hong Kong
Aug 14, 2023
India’s emergence has the potential to occupy a portion of the global stage as Western powers decouple/de-risk from China’s dominance in strategic sectors. Nevertheless, India faces obstacles, including its own dependence on China and the latter’s trade hegemony.
Arvind Subramanian, Visiting lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government
Jul 12, 2023
The unprecedented lovefest between the United States and India has been striking and, frankly, puzzling. Following the pageantry of US President Joe Biden hosting a state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and of US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy inviting Modi to address a joint session of Congress for a second time, one wonders if America is giving away the store and getting very little in return.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Jul 05, 2023
When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with US President Joe Biden in the White House this month, many observers saw the makings of an evolving alliance a
Ma Jiali, Director, China Reform Forum
Jun 29, 2023
India wants to maintain cordial relations with multiple entities on the international stage, while the United States seeks a tighter alignment. Despite U.S. inducements, India is not likely to abandon its fundamental diplomatic philosophy of strategic autonomy.
Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
May 16, 2023
China and India are Asia’s two largest countries, and both are rising quickly to claim powerful positions in the international order. Their proximity has made them natural competitors - but their relationship’s pillars and challenges will be important to understand in the 21st Century.
Sajjad Ashraf, Former Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore
Apr 28, 2023
The Indian Ocean, as a maritime crossroads of international trade, is a key area of competition between China and the United States.
Cui Liru, Former President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Apr 04, 2023
Both countries must correctly handle the difficult problems arising from the competition or cooperation dichotomy using the great wisdom found in their traditional cultures. Both can rise together.
Liu Chang, Assistant Research Fellow, Department for American Studies, CIIS
Sep 19, 2022
IPEF negotiations are underway and four joining statements were recently released at the first in-person IPEF ministerial meeting. But Washington’s motives and the direction they lead negotiations remains to be seen, as they seek to build allyship in the Pacific and increase competition with China.