Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Feb 05, 2024
Economic rejuvenation requires Beijing to pragmatically re-engage with the West, establishing clear commitment to China being a stable, certain, and transparent environment for foreign businesses. What would this re-engagement look like?
Dong Yifan, Assistant Research Fellow, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jan 17, 2024
China and Europe look forward to more stable relations. But transcending the European-style de-risking narrative will take some doing. As frictions arise, the strategic definitions and political wisdom of both sides will be tested.
Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Jan 02, 2024
The recent EU-China Summit marked a cautious step forward in their relationship, underlining a growing willingness to constructively engage. While substantive policy changes remain elusive, both sides acknowledged concerns and showed openness to dialogue, hinting at a potential path for future negotiations and trust-building.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Jul 27, 2023
American politicians have a long history of mangling economic-policy debates. Some recognize reality, like when George H.W. Bush characterized so-called supply-side tax cuts as “voodoo economics.” But far too many to distort economic statistics and analysis to score political points – think of “Modern Monetary Theory” or “deficit scolds.”
Ma Xue, Associate Fellow, Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jul 26, 2023
Despite is softer sound when compared with decoupling, de-risking will not enhance U.S. national security. Unexpected consequences will follow as countries grow more cautious in choosing trading partners. Nor will de-risking enhance U.S. competitiveness. Rather, it will hinder innovation and suppress productivity.
Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa, Geopolitics Analyst in EU-Asia Relations and AsiaGlobal Fellow, The University of Hong Kong
Jun 29, 2023
Redefining trade and economic relationships to achieve balance and prevent excessive dependence in strategic sectors has emerged as a key protectionist policy and geopolitical tool among major global powers. And while policies like dumping, dual circulation, security and development, or decoupling and de-risking, all share a common objective, each major power must determine its own mechanisms for course correction.
Wang Yufan, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of American Studies, CIIS
Jun 27, 2023
A change to softer rhetoric by the United States seems aimed at placating its domestic business community, but the ultimate objective of containing China hasn’t changed. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said there’s a big difference. We shall wait and see.
James F. Downes, Assistant Professor, Head of Politics and Public Administration Programme, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Mathew Y. H. Wong, Assistant Professor, Education University of Hong Kong
Man Hoo So, Master's Candidate, European Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science
Jun 09, 2023
James F. Downes, Mathew Wong and Man Hoo So argue that the EU-China relationship has evolved considerably over recent years into a growing global rivalry in 2023. They argue that whilst the EU has become more interventionist towards China in 2023, there exists large divisions within the core EU institutions alongside EU member states towards relations with China.
Wang Lei, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of World Political Studies, CICIR
Sun Ru, Research Professor & Deputy Director, CICIR
Jun 08, 2023
Adjustments in European and American strategies may offer hope for a return to normal relations with China. The EU and U.S. should dump their political prejudices against China, take care of the common security of the world, try to remove risks and truly cooperate with China.
Hu Dawei, Research Fellow, China Institute of International Studies
Jun 08, 2023
Hiroshima highlighted the decline of Western influence in global economic governance. The group’s inherent inadequacy arises from the desperate effort by a small group of member nations to maintain their dominant position in the world.