Peter Bittner, Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
Dec 21, 2023
The new frontier of AI may be the most exciting technology in the world, and the most controversial. The need for regulations across cultures and countries could be an opening for the U.S. and China to cooperate for the greater good.
Zhang Tuosheng, Academic Committee Member at Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University
May 04, 2023
New international institutions, mechanisms and laws — as well as the reform and improvement of existing ones — should no longer be dominated by the West. The shaping of a new global order should be done through multilateral cooperation.
Lu Chuanying, Fellow and Secretary-general of the Research Center for the International Governance of Cyberspace, SIIS
Jul 07, 2022
The issue has gradually moved up to become one of the most controversial in bilateral relations. Its impact is extensive and its priority is consequently high. Finite, feasible goals are needed to settle the dust through dialogue.
He Yafei, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
May 24, 2022
In cyberspace order and governance, China is a global leader. It’s capacity continues to improve, and it has a major role to play in working toward a more peaceful, secure, open and cooperative digital future.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Feb 26, 2022
By starting and sustaining a tech war against China, Washington has placed itself on the wrong side of history. Like its trade war, the battle in the high-technology sector will turn out to be difficult to win.
Wang Yuzhu, Research Fellow, Institute for World Economy Studies, SIIS
Aug 27, 2021
Correctly understanding each other’s policies will avoid sinking into an infinite negative loop. Speculation about China-U.S. financial decoupling has returned. But politicization of financial matters will only do further damage to the already deteriorating bilateral relationship.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Aug 10, 2021
Most countries agree that data security touches on national security, and increased wrangling over data sovereignty is the new normal. Given the lack of trust between China and the United States, data security will inevitably become a new playing field in bilateral competition.
Lu Chuanying, Fellow and Secretary-general of the Research Center for the International Governance of Cyberspace, SIIS
Jul 21, 2021
For China and the United States, virtually all technology eventually touches on cybersecurity. But cooperation, based on trust, can be achieved. Trust is the basis of any cooperative relationship. Without it, concrete initiatives are incredibly difficult to implement.
Lu Chuanying, Fellow and Secretary-general of the Research Center for the International Governance of Cyberspace, SIIS
Jun 12, 2021
The international community must engage in serious discussions on whether cyber intelligence collection is necessary. If it is, what should be the boundaries? Any ambiguity or hesitation on the part of major players will lead others to mimic U.S. behavior.
Chen Dongxiao, President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
Feb 08, 2021
Dialogues, disputes and conflicts management, cooperation, stability and common development are the primary base for bilateral interaction when it comes to cyberspace competition.